Tuesday 12 October 2010

A simple guide to lighting

Three Point Lighting:-
Back Light: The backlight is used to provide separation from your subject and the background.

Key Light: Primary light source. It provides a base light for your subject.

Fill Light: The Fill Light provides some fill into the shadow area of your subject to balance out contrast created by the Key Light.

Backlit Subjects:
-Cause: light source behind subject
-Effect: Silhouette or aura.

High Key Lighting:
-Cause: Fully-lit sources from all directions
-Effect: A bright, clear subject.
Low Key Lighting:
-Cause: fewer sources of light
-Effect: less area lit up, creates shadows.
Ambient Light:
-Cause: gentle lights, part of the set
-Effect: calm, warm, unobstructive, gentle lit subjects.
Hard Light:
-Cause: light source directly on subject
-Effect: strong bold images but also shadows, good for shooting villains.
-Cause: filters fitted to lens(or altered in editing process) - gels
-Effects: alteration to colour of overall shot

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