Friday 8 April 2011

Question 1 - Using conventions: Following a guide to making a short film

Following the guide to make a short film. 1. Get an idea for a movie or short film that you want to make. Write down your ideas or think about them. We got the idea for our short film initially from our childhood and from modern day chick flicks. 2. Write a script for your short film with all of your ideas in it. Also go over your script multiple times. We knew we didn't want a script so we just focussed on our narrative options and wrote down our ideas. 3. Get together a crew and a cast that is willing to do everything it takes to make your project a success. We thought about getting a cast and crew together but then we decided on reliability issues and decided that casting ourselves within the film would be better and more cost effective. 4. Get together items in order for shooting, such as lighting etc. We gathered all of the props, such as the laptop and sweeping brush beforehand. 5. Shoot your film, making sure you use a tripod and the settings are correct. We shot our film using a tripod and shot all of our footage in the one day. 6. After you shoot your footage, get ready for a long editing session. We edited our film over a few weeks, using Final Cut Pro mostly. 7. Rewind your camera to the start of your footage, then capture the footage on an editing system. We edited our film again using different computers and different editing programs. 8. Import the digital sound on your computer from a USB, then match up the sound to the film. We chose the sounds/music according to the scenes of the film and matched them up correctly. 9. Edit your movie further in order everythings correct. We edited our film further to make sure everything was in place, creating more scenes where possible, e.g. the clock scenes and party scene. 10. Save your film and upload it to the internet. We saved our final film and uploaded it to Youtube.

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